

Language Skills

Spanish: native

English: advanced
(awarded Grade A in Cambridge’s Certificate in Advanced English)


Last updated on 2023 / 06 / 20

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Roger Rafael Castro Zambrano

An engineer with a background in geoinformation technologies, nowadays I strive to master R and other programming tools, in order to better understand spatial phenomena. I am eager to produce educational and scientific contents, since my goal is to develop an academic career.


Geographic and Environmental Engineer

University of the Armed Forces – ESPE

Sangolquí, EC

2019 / 07 - 2012 / 09

Thesis “Evaluación de la Exactitud Posicional Horizontal e Inferencia de la Escala sobre Datos Libres OSM en Administraciones Zonales del DMQ” [repository] [slides]



Constructora Inmobiliaria R&M Ltd.

Manta, EC

2023 / 04 - 2021 / 05

Performed the following activities in several land plots located in the Manta Municipality

  • Planimetric survey with Total Station to obtain boundaries
  • Stakeout of points with Total Station to rectify boundaries or subdivide plots
  • Design of proposals to subdivide Macro Plots between many stakeholders, by using CAD Software
  • Survey and stakeout of high-accuracy points, by using a GNSS Antenna applying the RTK Method and NTRIP Protocol
  • Training technicians of the company about CRS Coordinate Systems and operation of the GNSS Antenna


Ecuadorian Space Institute – IEE

Quito, EC

2018 / 03 - 2018 / 01

Project “Implementation of a technological infrastructure for training in research lines of the IEE”

  • Collection of information and preparation of training materials for a virtual course about improving the quality of satellite images
  • Preparation of evaluating materials according to IEE format

Project “Determination of potential mass movements for disaster prevention using DTM and satellite images in a section of the Alóag – Santo Domingo road”

  • Collection of information, elaboration of slope map according to the DTM, and reclassification in slope ranges
  • Elaboration of land coverage maps for two epochs, determination of coverage changes, and analysis according to mass movement events that have occurred on the road
  • Elaboration of a cartographic model to determine potential mass movements and analysis of results


Technical Cooperation between Ecuador and the Federal Republic of Germany – GIZ

Quito, EC

2017 / 05 - 2017 / 04

Project “Training at Decentralized Autonomous Governments”

  • Capturing GNSS data to be used during trainings
  • Training technicians at Decentralized Autonomous Governments (GADs) about using GNSS and GIS software


Programming with R language, RStudio IDE, the tidyverse, and geospatial R packages (sf, raster, spdep, tmap and others)

Use of GIS (QGIS, ArcMap) and remote sensing (ERDAS) software

Processing OpenStreetMap data and querying with the Overpass API

Use of git and management of GitHub repositories and workflows

Operating Total Station and GNSS Antenna for surveying applications

Use of GNU/Linux OS (Debian, LMDE, Ubuntu) and related tools (bash, apt, grub, Gnome and others)


Assessing the Horizontal Positional Accuracy in OpenStreetMap: a Big Data Approach

Castro R., Tierra A., Luna M.


2019 / 03

Conference paper in “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” vol. 931 no. 2 [DOI] [open access]

Análisis de la Serie Temporal de la Estación de Monitoreo Continuo CUEC – REGME

Luna M., Castro R. et al.


2018 / 12

Paper in “Revista Geoespacial” vol. 15 no. 2 [DOI]

Análisis Exploratorio de Datos Geográficos Voluntarios: estudio de caso en la administración […]

Castro R., Luna M.


2018 / 11

Conference paper in “Latin American Journal of Computing” vol. 5 no. 2 [DOI]

Capture and Processing of Geospatial Data with Laser Scanner System for 3DModeling and Virtual […]

Basantes J., Castro R. et al.


2017 / 10

Conference paper in “IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting” vol. 2 no. 1 [DOI] [open access]


La Galería Hexagonal
A blog about cartography and data analysis with R (currently dormant) [repository] [website]

Weekly OSM
A repository that stores weekly data about OSMstats by country [repository]

Selected Conferences

7th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

WorldCIST Organization

La Toja, ES

2019 / 04

Presented the paper “Assessing the Horizontal Positional Accuracy in OpenStreetMap: a Big Data Approach” [website]

9th JISIC Conference

National Polytechnic School – EPN

Quito, EC

2018 / 10

Presented the paper “Análisis Exploratorio de Datos Geográficos Voluntarios: estudio de caso en la administración […]” [website]


Fabián Rodríguez Espinosa
Professor at University of the Armed Forces – ESPE

Mónica Elizabeth Reyes Mora
General Manager at Constructora Inmobiliaria R&M Ltd.

5th Argentinean Congress of Speleology

Argentinean Speleology Federation – FADE

Malargüe, AR

2016 / 08

Presented the talk “Captura y procesamiento de datos LiDAR para modelamiento 3D de cuevas”