About this blog
“The universe (which others call the Library) is composed of an indefinite and perhaps infinite number of hexagonal galleries, with vast air shafts between, surrounded by very low railings. From any of the hexagons one can see, interminably, the upper and lower floors.”
The Library of Babel (Jorge Luis Borges, 1941)
The name of this blog comes from Borges’ short story in which he proposed a total library, one that would contain every possible book. Most books would be just random gibberish, though, so such a library isn’t a fair analogy to the internet. Even so, I want to share this gallery: a place to publish the things I produce while I learn what’s possible in the world of code. By the way, having an hexagon logo seems to be mandatory for code packages / projects.
The R programming language is what I use to perform analysis and build the blog itself (see credits below). My interests range from data analysis —with a focus on geospatial and open data— to math and scientific divulgation. If these things interest you, here is the RSS feed, to use with your service of choice. Also, this blog is available in spanish, the language in which I write the most.

About the author
My name is Roger Rafael Castro Zambrano. An engineer with a background in geospatial technologies, I didn’t discover the wonders of coding until the end of my degree. Now I strive to master R and other languages, to better understand phenomena involving spatial data and data in general. My personal website is https://ruevko.github.io and you may find me at Twitter as @ruevko.
Credits (what make this blog possible)
- Tranquilpeak is the Hugo theme I chose as template; Thibaud Leprêtre ported it from the original Hexo theme, designed by Louis Barranqueiro
- Hugo is a static website generator by Bjørn Erik Pedersen, Steve Francia and others
- blogdown is a package that uses Hugo to create websites through R, and is my key tool for building the blog; its authors are Yihui Xie, Amber Thomas and Alison Presmanes Hill
- Yihui Xie is a prolific developer; other essential R packages were made by him too
- RStudio is an integrated development environment for R
- The R language, by the R Core Team, is at the heart of virtually all my computations
- Lastly, this blog lives in a GitHub repository and is deployed via GitHub Pages